Work Culture

Strategies For Dealing With Toxic Boss

Strategies For Dealing With Toxic Boss

Strategies For Dealing With Toxic Boss

In the realm of workplace dynamics, encountering a toxic boss can be like navigating a treacherous sea. From hidden politics to purposeful workload assignments and gender favoritism, there is a myriad of challenges to contend with. However, with the right strategies in place, it is possible to weather the storm and emerge stronger on the other side.

1. Hidden Politics: One of the most insidious aspects of dealing with a toxic boss is navigating the murky waters of hidden politics. Whether it is cliques forming behind closed doors or favoritism disguised as meritocracy, it can feel like you are constantly walking on eggshells. In these situations, it is important to stay informed, build alliances with colleagues who share your concerns and document any instances of unfair treatment.

2. False Blamings and Reportings: Another common tactic employed by toxic bosses is the art of false blaming and reporting. Whether it is shifting the blame for their own or favourite person's mistakes onto subordinates or fabricating reports to make themselves look good, these behaviors can create a toxic atmosphere of mistrust and paranoia. In response, it is crucial to maintain clear lines of communication, document your own achievements and seek feedback from trusted sources to counteract false accusations.

3. Purposeful Workload Assignments: Toxic bosses often wield the power of workload assignments as a weapon, purposefully burdening certain employees with an excessive amount of work while others coast by with minimal responsibilities. This can lead to feelings of resentment and burnout among team members. In these situations, it is important to assertively communicate your workload capacity, set boundaries and advocate for fair distribution of tasks.

4. Gender Favoritism: Unfortunately, gender favoritism is still prevalent in many workplaces, with toxic bosses showing preferential treatment towards employees of a certain gender. This can manifest in opportunities for advancement, access to resources or even subtle biases in day-to-day interactions. To combat gender favoritism, it is essential to challenge stereotypes, advocate for inclusive policies and support colleagues who may be facing discrimination.

5. Exclusion from Skill Development Programs: Skill development programs are essential for professional growth and advancement, yet toxic bosses may intentionally exclude certain employees from these opportunities as a form of control or punishment. If you find yourself being left out of skill development initiatives, it is important to advocate for yourself, seek out alternative learning opportunities and consider discussing your concerns with HR or higher-level management.

6. False Marketing on the Floor: In toxic work environments, false marketing tactics may be employed to create a facade of success or productivity. Whether it is exaggerated claims about project milestones or inflated performance metrics, these tactics can erode trust and credibility within the team. To counteract false marketing on the floor, it is important to maintain integrity in your own work, seek out objective sources of information and advocate for transparency and accountability.

7. Mind Games and Taunting: Toxic bosses may also resort to mind games and taunting as a means of asserting their dominance and control. Whether it is subtle manipulation tactics or outright bullying behavior, these actions can have a profound impact on employee morale and mental health. In response, it is important to recognize these behaviors for what they are, seek support from trusted colleagues or mentors and consider escalating the issue to HR or higher-level management if necessary.

8. Creating Division Among Colleagues: Finally, toxic bosses may actively work to create division and conflict among colleagues, pitting team members against each other in a bid to maintain their own power and control. In these situations, it is important to resist the temptation to engage in office politics, focus on building positive relationships with colleagues and advocate for a culture of collaboration and mutual respect.


Dealing with a toxic boss is never easy, but by recognizing the signs, setting boundaries, seeking support from colleagues and advocating for yourself, it is possible to navigate these challenges and emerge stronger on the other side. Remember, you always deserve to work in an environment that values and respects you, and don't hesitate to take steps to protect your well-being.

"Toxicity may destroy your career, if you are not handling it properly. Sometimes, leaving such boss or leaving such organisation successfully - itself is a big achievement."